Creature Comforts – At Home with Satellite


Our Creature Comforts workshop is for young people aged 8 – 11 approx. and can be done from the comfort of a home environment. Each participant will receive a package of materials delivered to their door, that they can then use to create their very own creature. We will then meet in the Zoom Room to connect with new friends and bring our creatures to life!

How does it work?

  • Receive a box by post full of fantastic craft materials
  • Design and make wild creations and awesome sidekicks
  • Meet your new friends on Zoom and connect over
    imagined and real-life superpowers!
  • Create a comic book story that brings your creature to
  • We share stories and collect pictures of everyone’s
    creatures and turn them into world-changing posters for
    you to keep
Date: 26 June 2023
Time: 10:00am - 12:00pm
Duration: 2 Hours
Price: FREE
Location: Via Zoom
Register for This Workshop Today!

Contact our Programs team below and we’ll be in touch to finalise your registration.

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