Satellite, mind Australia and FaPMI partner in a co-design project for a dedicated youth space at Bendigo’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect centre.


Earlier this year, Satellite , mind Australia and The Families where a Parent has Mental Illness (FaPMI) partnered to co-design a dedicated youth space within the Mental Health and Wellbeing Connect (MHWC) centre for the Loddon Mallee region in Bendigo.

Satellite’s Family Liaison, Mel, previously worked with these services at the MHWC centre, using the kitchen space to deliver workshops. Since the opening of the centre, there had been little interaction with young people in the region. There was also a large and vacant basement space. The collaborating services saw an opportunity to convert the basement into a youth space and embarked on a co-design project inviting local young people with lived and living experience of family with mental health challenges to participate.

Eleven young people aged 8-18 years took part in a series of in-person, co-design workshops, where they explored the following:

  • what do and don’t young people want in the space?
  • how should young people feel in this space?
  • what could physically be in the space? and
  • what is needed to feel safe in the space?

An image of a Satellite activity

An activity in a Satellite Foundation workshop

On completion of the workshops, participants created personalised bunting for the space made of drawings or personal value statements. They expressed gratitude for being given the autonomy to provide their own ideas for the space and opportunities for social connection. All young people received a ‘goodie bag’ with a ‘Thank-you’ certificate, FRANK Green drink bottle, gift vouchers, and information about support services.

An image with text 'Everything happens for a reason'

Satellite’s involvement was considered a key component of the project, as described by one of the partners:

“I have had the privilege of being able to work alongside Mel, and Satellite for the last few months. It’s been an eye-opening journey as a staff member to see the real-life, positive impact that Satellite has on young carers in not only the service they deliver, but through the passion that comes from Mel with the work she prides herself on. I am so grateful for the input, and the support that has come from my working time with Mel – and cannot thank Mel and Satellite enough for the empowerment, encouragement, safety, and reassurance that they bring the young carers in our Loddon Mallee region.”


Satellite’s contributions were provided in-kind, including administrating the donation of three laptops from the Australian Financial Complaints Authority, which now reside in the youth space. Moving forward, Mel will work towards Satellite having a greater presence in the centre and sustaining connections with the young people and families who were involved in this project.
Co-design insights are now being reviewed and will be used to guide the youth space fit-out. An official “Open Day” is planned in late September 2024.

Want to learn more about co-designing and co-creating with young people and how Satellite might support your organisation’s needs? Get in touch here

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