Co-creation Project for Instagram!


As part of our ongoing co-creation process, we recently invited young people from our Youth Advisory Council (YAC) to help co-create content with the marketing team, for Instagram!

Projects like this provide paid opportunities for further advancing young people’s voices and autonomy to tell their stories in the public realm.

The first project that we would like to share was created by YAC member, Jasmine.

“A few words about mental health, work life and how they intertwine together in my life.”

Check out Jasmine’s reel on Instagram here.

You can follow Jasmine on Instagram at @jasmine.casey04

Next, a piece created by YAC member Ash explaining how drawing helps to express feelings and emotions.

“The hardest feeling about mental health is not being able to express it. Over the years I learnt how to express myself and my feelings through drawings, I’ve also learnt that by showing other people the drawings, it has helped them understand. In these drawings, you can see the loneliness, the betrayal and the confusion; it shows that feeling that lots of people with mental health challenges experience but the feeling that no one can seem to put into words.”

You can follow Ashley on Instagram at @ashleighdoyle56

Lastly, to commemorate PTSD Awareness Day 2024, Alison created this:

“Post Traumatic Stress Disorder affects millions worldwide, yet too many suffer in silence. In honour of PTSD Awareness Day, I want to shine a light on the strength it takes to live with PTSD.​ To carry the weight of other people’s actions, along with balancing the weight of your own life is no light feat. You are strong and capable.​ The pain of what has happened to you does not define you.​

You deserve to live a full and complete life, one without night terrors, exhaustion and the sense of hopelessness.​

Seeking help and speaking out are acts of courage, and there are so many supports just like Satellite that are here to lighten the load – I know that to be true firsthand.​ On this day of recognition, we can dismantle the stigma associated with PTSD and create a supportive environment for healing and recovery.”​

Follow Alison on Instagram here: @alisonmareee​

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