Voice Lab And Satellite – listening to and learning from young people!


Satellite cares deeply about honouring, listening to and sharing the thoughts of young people who are growing up in families where a parent/carer has a mental health challenges. We want to offer opportunities for hope, connections and futures of possibilities!

This is just a snapshot of the voices of the 30+ incredible young people who were part of a Satellite Children’s Camp and our Annual Music, Art and Songwriting Workshop in 2019. We had the opportunity to collaborate with Polyglot Theatre Company and their Voice Lab project.

Voice Lab is an immersive, creative experience for children, one at a time. In a world where the child’s voice is often unheard, Voice Lab provides a way for children to have a say about their present and their future. Voice Lab is created by Polyglot Theatre and is a unique module for collecting the thoughts and opinions of children.

Thank you to the participants of these programs for your wisdoms and thank you to Polyglot for providing a magical space to share them.

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